We kick the show off with Undertaker making his way to the ring. He cuts a promo on HBK that started off a little slow but gained steam. HBK came out and things picked up. Both guys took turns cutting promos on each other. Nice way to start the night. The WrestleMania match is now no DQ. I'll give them this they are making it look like Taker has a chance of loosing the match at WM 26.
Match One: Kelly/Kim/Torres v Fox/Lea/Maryse.
SHort match like always, there was nothing of merit, not even looking at the divas. Torres got the pin on Maryse with an armbar. I guess she'll be challenging for the Diva's title next. One thing about the diva division it is predictable. Get a pin on the champ and win the title. Yay.
Hornswagle with Criss Angel, and the Bella Twins. Senseless magic that has nothing and I mean nothing to do with wrestling.
Match Two: ShowMiz vs Morrison/Truth.
Match thrown out after Morrison and Truth left Show laying outside the ring and Miz laying over the ringside barrier. Well they needed to do something to make Morrison and Truth look like they have a chance of winning. Then again WWE is known for giving the Tag TItles to thrown together teams. After all it's not like the titles mean anything. Right Vince?
Cena is interviewed by Josh Mathews. He looks sad, he can't beat Batista, he broke his neck, he took his title. Oh woe as me.
Match Three: Orton v Legacy.
Finally the first match of the night. The match was enjoyable, but I felt like it was a waste. If they are heading toward a Orton v Rhodes v DiBiase match at WrestleMania, shouldn't they get to the Legacy split already? This did nothing for Orton or Legacy. The ending was what had to be. If Orton won it would have weakened Legacy. However I will say that the chance of Orton beating Legacy was more believable than the chance of Jarrett beating Beer Money.
Mathews catches up with Batista who says that he won't interfere in Cena's match and that he wishes Cena good luck. I would have liked it better if Batista didn't say anything like he has the last few weeks and just had the smug smile and looked like he was going to say something.
Triple H comes out and cuts a promo on Sheamus. Sheamus comes out to rebut. Trips cut a great, awesome promo back at Sheamus, proving that Trips is a student of the game like it's claimed and he did learn something from his time with Flair. Sheamus and Trips come to blows with each man exchanging the upper hand. Ends with Sheamus walking away to lick his wounds. I've been a fan of Sheamus since his stiff matches with Golddust on ECW and SuperStars. I hope this match with HHH will finally allow him to put the last few months of paper champion behind him. I think HHH will put him over at WrestleMania.
Santino with Criss Angel. Yay more stupid magic tricks. Although Santino's Ralph Machio comments were great.
Match Four: Bourne vs Regal MITB Qualifier.
Bourne gets the win a quick match.
Now it's time to run down the WM card and plug Austin next week with the contract signing of McMahon and Hart. Even money on Austin ending up the special ref in the match.
Next weeks card is run down with WrestleMania recall matches. Cena vs Show, HHH vs Orton and Jerricho vs HBK. Only looking forward to the HBK/Jerricho match. I've seen the other combinations so much, nothing could make them fresh again.
Criss Angel comes out to announce the Main Event. It seems that's all the Guest hosts have been good for lately. They do stupid humnan tricks backstage, then announce the Main Event. It's a good idea lets keep doing it.
Match Five: John Cena vs McMahon in a gauntlet match.
Kozlov comes out leaves Cena laying and leaves. McMahon goes for the pin, doesn't get it.
McIntyre comes out leaves Cena laying and leaves. McMahon goes for the pin, doesn't get it.
Swagger comes out leaves Cena laying three times and leaves. McMahon doesn't get the pin.
Mark Henry comes out, leaves Cena laying. McMahon doesn't get the pin.
McMahon goes for the time keepers bell, Henry stops him Batista arrives spears Henry. Batista goes after Cena, but is stopped by Kofi. Kofi attacks Batista until he's left laying by a powerbomb. Batista leaves Cena laying and McMahon finally gets the pin.
Batista is left standing over Cena with the lights dim as Raw goes off the air.
The Good
- Never thought I would say this, but Batista. I'm loving Batista's run as a solo heel. He's just egotistical enough, just cocky enough, just angry enough, just quiet enough. He does all of this in the right ammount. Well done, and who ever came up with this heel run, did a great job.
- HHH, HBK, Taker's Promos. Well played by all three.
The Bad
- Worthless segments that do nothing for the story. At. All.
- Only one real wrestling match out of five.
- Divas
The Rant
I've read elsewhere on the Interwebs that both TNA and WWE put out good product tonight. I have to wonder what show did they watch? The WWE segments were awful as were all but the Orton v Legacy match. However the night's promos, except Cena's were awesome. Even Batista's short promo was well done.
The announcing on RAW is so stale. I hope that when JR returns they put him back on Raw and send Cole packing. Maybe when Vince ships him off he'll say, "Vintage McMahon." The guest hosts have gone from stale, to mildewed, to rotten.
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