Every Raw Episode starts with the same words, "Yes, sir, we promised you a great main event." How many of you think it's time they change those words, since they rarely have a great main event these days. Anyway.
For the last two years the Elimination Chamber matches have thrown everyone for a loop. The unexpected has happened each time. It's a shame to come out of a PPV with so many surprises into a Raw with so few, if any.
We open with Jericho in the ring proud of his newly won World Title, soon to be joined by Edge. Edge, surprise surprise has decided to go after Jericho's titles with his Royal Rumble win. Really, who didn't see this coming? It's only been talked about since the summer. As always Jericho was great on the mic. Match one for Wrestlmania: Edge v Jericho.
Cena comes out trying to look injured and angry. He says he's can be added to the list of people screwed by Vince and he wants his rematch against Batista tonight. Vince comes out with an oh no you don't, because Sheamus has a right to a rematch as well, but Batista won't be defending the title until Wrestlemania. If Cena can beat his opponent tonight he will face Batista, if not Sheamus will, and Cena's opponent is Batista. Cena looks worried, yay.
Maryse v Gail Kim :Divas Championship.
Dud of a match, but it had me wonder if maybe Maryse is unjured somehow. I wonder if that's why the match last night was changed to a tag match. Remember a few months back when Maryse returned and she sort of collapsed on the apron. They played it off as part of the show. I'm thinking maybe there was more to it than that. At one point during the match she collapsed in the corner which led to a silly dive from Gail Kim to a non existent opponent. Maryse and the ref passed a few words then the ref started a slow ten count. When Maryse got to her feet her balance seemed off and we went into a rush ending. I wonder if this is why it's taken so long for the tournament finals to come about. I mean it's been postponed a few times already. I hope this is not something serious, because really I don't want to go through another two months of Diva turmoil.
Now it's time for our guest hosts with Jewel and her twins on display in a god awful drapes pulled from the window looking dress. Jillian tries to sing, Jewl slaps her, Yay guest hosts.
Cody approaches Orton and once again tries to place mistakes at DiBiase's feet. Orton says it was all his fault and to tell DiBiase he's sorry about everything. Orton walks off, DiBiase comes out asks how it went. Rhodes says too well. DiBiase asks if the plan is still on. Rhodes says yes. Finally, after months of building we are getting to the Legacy payoff.
Legacy v Kingston, Bourne and Tsetse fly
DiBiase gets some, Rhodes gets some then Orton gets tagged in and smacks around Kingston. DiBiase and Rhodeds reach for tags, Orton ignores them, then when he gets close Rhodes takes a tag. He starts through the ropes and Orton hits him with a hangman DDT before rolling out of the ring. DiBiase asks why and gets a RKO for his question. Orton walks off leaving Rhodes to take a pin for the team. Looks like the Viper struck before his protege's could.
HBK comes out with more whinning about why he did what he did. The Undertaker interupts. After they both spout on for a few minutes Taker agrees to HBK's match at Wrestlemania, but he wants HBK to put up his career. HBK agrees. Wrestlemania match two HBK v Taker part duex.
MITB Qualifier Christian v Carlito.
No surprise here, but I was hoping that Carlito would pull an upset. Captain Charisma is just not as cool this time around in the WWE as he was before he left for TNA. Christian gets the win and the invite to Wrestlemania.
Look everyone it's time for stupid human tricks featuring the diva's and this weeks guest host. While not as painful as last week's Springer segment, and let's face it at least Eve and Kelly looked great on the bull. Show comes out doing his angry clown impression that he seems to get stuck doing from time to time and KTFO on the bull. Great segment.
ShowMiz vs Mizark and MVP
Lackluster match with a lame injury wrap on Mizark. KTFO on Mizark for the win. That's all this match gets.
The victim of the original Vinnie Mac ScrewJob is inducted into the Hall of Fame. Will wonder's never cease? For those of you who don't know back in the early 80's Richter and Vinne Mac didn't get along. Richter had a match against the Masked Spider. During the match the Spider broke from the match script and pulled Richter into a small pin. The ref one counted and gave the Spider the win. The mask was removed to reveal the Fabulous Moolah. Richter left the WWE that night never speaking to Vince or Moolah again. This was supposedly done over Richter refusing to sign a new contract unless she got more money, Richter claims she was under a five year contract. Who knows the true story. Maybe she'll come back and we can have months of lame segments and stupid stoyline with cars and broken limbs. Oh wait....
Vince, being all heartfelt, invites Bret hart back next week for a fond fairwell like he deserves. Sigh.
Cena comes out ready for Batista. Batista does a cocky slow walk to the ring. Once the match starts Cena charges and Batista sticks his upper body out of the ring. This happens a few more times until Batista plants a fieldgoal kick between Cena's leg getting DQ'd and giving Cena the win. Batista claps for Cena then proceeds to smack him around. Walks off, comes back for more smacking. Walks off and returns for some chair beatdown. Batista is left at the top of the entrance ramp smiling as the fans boo.
The Good
-Batista- I'm not a fan of Batista, but if they keep him like this, not saying much, brutalizing people I could be. I loved the DQ finish and the clap for Cena, classic heel stuff.
- Wrestlemania Matches so fat- Edge v Jericho could be a scorcher. The stakes in the Taker v HBK match couldn't be higher. Batista v Cena even has a nice build to it with Batista finally finding his niche.
- The HBK/Taker promo was excellent. Great song choice and this has to be one of the best video segments in a long long time.
The Bad
-The Guest host segment was once again horrible.
-The Diva's Championship match was sad. Really if Maryse does have an injury wouldn't it have made more sense to drop the belt to Gail Kim, to let Maryse recoup. it looks like a balance injury of some kind, most likely inner ear. That should be taken care of. It's more important than putting the title on the "right person"
-The commentators. It's time for a change. Lawler constantly screws up performers names and calls them someone else, and I'm so friggin tired of vintage this and longest episodic show on TV that. When the pretzels are stale you throw them out and get new ones.
The Rant
Even for it's bad moments this week's RAW proves that they can put out a good show. Why was it a good show? We finally have the destruction of Legacy and even with the DiBiase leak a month or so back we are all wondering who will get turned on and thrown out of Legacy in the end. What could they do to raise the stakes in Taker/HBK II? HBK's career on the line. I mean really that had to do something so that the SMARKS would think that's it's possible for Taker's streak to end. Though personally I hope it doesn't. There are few records that are safe in professional wrestling and this is one that should be gaurded under lock and key. I'm lobing Batista as the new top heel. Going with silent and deadly is the way to go. Well played to whomever came up with it.
Wrestlemania is shaping up to be really great. I'm hoping that if the Sheamus/HHH match does happen, and we all know HHH has to find a way into Wrestlemania, they allow Sheamus to come out on top with a clean victory over Trips. As good as the Elimination Chamber PPV was because of it's surprises, it would have been much better if Sheamus finally got to get the pin on everyone ending with him and Trips as the final two, planting seeds for the Wrestlemania match. Batista vs Cena didn't need a World Title in the mix, it had Bret Hart/McMahon as a catalyst.
For everything that WWE occasionally does right, they blow it somewhere else.