After a short professional football career Brian Pillman was trained in the infamous Hart Dungeon. Starting his career out as a heel in a tag team with Bruce Hart, Pillman won the Stampede Tag Titles on a few occasions. After the tag team was done he used his then girlfriend Trisa Hayes to potray his sister so he could get over as a face. He would have her at ringside, then when heel wrestlers would mess with her he would come in to rescue her. You may know Triza Hayes as Buelah McGillicutty. Yes, that one.
Moving to the NWA, just before the WCW name change, Pillman would win a variety of singles and tag team titles, including the short lived Light Heavyweight Championship, before going heel and teaming with "Stunning" Steve Austin in the Hollywood Blondes, a name with a storied history, they would win the Tag Team Titles. After losing the titles to Arn Anderson and Paul Roma of the Four Horsemen, Pillman would go face again and fued with Steve Austin. Pillman gradually shifted into a tweener taking on both sides of the fence.

Even though Pillman never stepped in the ring with ECW this time through he was a heat magnet. He went on tirades against Bischoff and WCW, he threatened to "whip out his johnson and piss in the ring", he attacked a planted fan with a fork, he refereed to New Jack and Mustafa's tag team as Nigga's with Attitudes. If Bischoff's claim of sending PIllman to ECW to gain heat were true, then it succeeded and backfired. Pillman was the talk of all three federation and he soon signed with WWF. Before making his first appearnace in the WWF he was in a car accident which left him in a coma for ten days. When he did arrive in WWF he had to use a cane to walk.
Pillman was the first talent to sign an guaranteed contract with the WWF. While he healed from his injuries Pillman worked as a commentator. When he was ready to return to the ring he did so by once again attacking a planted fan at ringside. Back in the ring Pillman aligned himself with the New Hart Foundation; Owen Hart, Bret Hart, Jim Niedhart, and Davey Boy Smith. Pillman would soon fued with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin which led to the infamous gun incident. His next fued was with Golddust over Marlena. Before the fued could be played out Pillman died of a heart condition known as Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease. Drugs and alchohol also contributed to his death. Unknown to Pillman his wife was pregnant at the time of his death. Just recently Pillmans' stepdaughter Lexi was killed in a car accident, she was just starting a wrestling career.
I wonder if Pillman was still around for a few more years if he would have gotten the chance to be World Champ? Would the Monday Night Wars have played out differently with Pillman around? Would the WWF had won the ratings back from WCW sooner wiht Pillman around? Pillman is still one of those guys that people talk about in what if's, much like his friend Owen Hart.

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