I've been a little under the weather this week, but as the saying goes better late than never.
RAW was an embarrassment this week. Plain and simple. It was so bad that I deleted it off of the DVR before the youngest could see it, because I didn't trust myself to be nice when he found the show funny, because you know he's a kid and doesn't know any better. Whomever decided that this is the show they would run with a week before a PPV should be shot where they stand, no blindfold, no last cigarrette.
Orton vs Sheamus
Once again we open with a match where the Champion looks weak. Once again he wins by DQ. At the end of the match who looks strong? Randy Orton that's who. Sheamus, Rhodes and DiBiase are all left laying. Travesty of a match, but I hoped you enjoyed it because it's the only match we will see for the first one hour and twenty minutes of the show. That's rignt. You didn't hear me wrong. Well it seems like it anyway, but they throw in the tag match that was so quick I blinked and almost missed it.
Bret Hart comes out and with a heavy Hart (see what I did there?) he says that since Vince won't give him a match, then well he's going back home and won't trouble the WWE Universe again. Then it's a thanks for the guys in the back and a blah blah blah blah. Pretty much the same thing he's said everytime he's in the ring. In the back Bret says goodbye to some of the young guys he's supposedly been helping, both heel and face. It must be a long hall because he's still walking after commercial. Then John Cena joins him. Bret says good bye and hey maybe we'll have lunch sometime. Bret gets in the limo, because all wrestlers get driven around when they come to RAW don't you know, Cena walks off and the worst sounding fake crash in all of TV history happens. And OH my God Bret's leg was caught inthe door, when bimbo blonde backed into the limo. The funny thing is, when Bret talking to Cena about lunch you can see the back up lights are on in the car, so it was already in reverse waiting for Bret to get in the car. Of course it will turn out that Vince is behind it all, and hopefully this was done because Bret really isn't ready or able to wrestle a match. I really hope this is the case, because I couldn't stand to see another Hart die in a WWE ring.
ShowMiz vs MVP and Mizark Henry
MVP and Henry pull the upset so that we can once again see MVP and Henry go after the Unified Tag Titles in an attempt to make Henry seem relevant to the WWE Universe. Much like my TWF colleague I think this would have been better served having Miz drop the US title to MVP.
Next we have the stupidest thing I've seen on WWE since Mae Young gave birth to a hand and Triple Kane made out with Katie Vick. Jerry Springer WWE style. How god awful bad was this segment. Kelly Kelly couldn't stop smiling stupidly through out te entire segment. Badly done, just badly done.
Kofi Kingston vs Ted DiBiase
DiBiase pulls out the dazed victory in a quick match that both lowered Kofi's value and raised DiBiase's by making him look like he can take a beating and still win a match. I swear it's been so long that since they've had to build new talent that they don't know how to do it anymore.
Cena calls out Batista who appears via Satelite.Nothing much is really accomplished, just Cena spouting his usual and Batista telling him that he don't want him in the ring, really. I kind of like Tista as a heel, it's where he's strongest.
Cena vs HHH
Not much of a match until Sheamus comes out and takes out both guys with the super boot. Then he leaves HHH laying with the Celtic Cross (or Razor's Edge, whatever) Once again the only way they make Sheamus look strong is by blindside attack. Pitifull.
The Good
-Khali's sidekick '70's Sideburns guy says "Khali feels the same as the fans here tonight, that this was a Giant waste of time," talking about the Springer segment. That was AWESOME!!
-Yeah, that's all I got.
The Bad
-Once again the build for the young guns. Kofi, DiBiase, Rhodes and Sheamus all looked weak tonight at one time or another. Even though DiBiase and Sheamus got a chance to come out on top, it was still too little, too late.
-Proving that the WWE live in their own little world they talked about them being the No. 1 rated show on cable TV, but they seem to forget that last week they lost to a new episode of iCarly, which was the No.1 cable rated show last week in the real world. How insecure is the WWE that they have to spout the same shit every week for the last ten years since the first Monday Night Wars ended. Every week's it's No,1 Cable show and longest running episodic show on TV. Really no one give a good hot damn.
-Springer Segment, just awful.
The Rant
WIth the announcement that TNA is moving to Monday Nights starting March 8th, I hope that the product the WWE shovels down our collective throat will improve.For months now the shows have been poorly written, the matches not so great, and the same handful of faces are the only ones who get face time. Really, is it so hard to put out five matches in a show and cut back on the stupid segment stuff. You could have one big segment building the main storyline and the other segments building smaller stories rotating through each week.
What happened to the Guest Hosts? Not that I was a fan of the idea, but what happened to Guests Hosts making matches and actually interacting with the product? It seems that each week the Guests host appear later and later in the show and interact less and less with the product. Hopefully the rumors about the Guest host lark ending after Wrestlemania will remain true.
Years ago people were embarrassed to admit that they were wrestling fans, that changed during the Monday Night Wars, but it's gradually getting back to being embarrassing. Things need to change before it's too late.
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